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BASCOE NRT analyses

These data files are hosted by BIRA-IASB and can be downloaded from the FTP server at

The BASCOE NRT Analyses are written out with a time granularity of 3 hours. Since 2013-01-01 they are archived in NetCDF-3 file format compliant with CF-1.0 conventions. Filenames are of the form:

Only the last 45 days of analyses are made available online. For those who are interested, the entire dataset (i.e. older analyses and/or analyses at 00, 03, 06, 09, 15, 18, 21h UT) can be obtained by request to

The files contain the following data and useful attributes:


Name Description Data type Units
idate Date in the form yyyymmdd integer yyyymmdd
ut Valid Universal Time of day float decimal hours
longitude Longitude [0 to 356.25] float decimal degrees
latitude Latitude [-90 to 90] float decimal degrees
level model level number integer decimal degrees
ap ap for hybrid-p vertical grid,see VGRID_DESCRIPTION float Pa
bp bp for hybrid-p vertical grid,see VGRID_DESCRIPTION float Pa/Pa
p0 Surface Pressure float Pa
n2o_vmr N2O gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3
hno3_vmr HNO3 gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3
h2o_vmr H2O gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3
clono2_vmrClONO2 gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3
hocl_vmr HOCl gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3
hcl_vmr HCl gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3
no_vmr NO gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3
clo_vmr ClO gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3
no2_vmr NO2 gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3
o3_vmr O3 gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3
cl_vmr Cl gas-phase volume mixing ratio float m3/m3


Name Typical value Explanation
HGRID_DESCRIPTION regular lat-lon grid Human-readable description, including area coverage (currently only global)
VGRID_DESCRIPTION Staggered hybrid-p: p(lon,lat,1:nlev) = 0.5*(ap(1:nlev)+ap(2:nlev+1)) + 0.5*(bp(1:nlev)+bp(2:nlev+1))*p0(lon,lat) Human-readable description, including staggering status and formula to compute vertical coordinate (i.e. pressure)
BASCOE_VERSION xx.yy.zz BASCOE version
RUNID AMLS_xx.yy run ID of the experiment

Additional Data

For recent streams, the following data may be available:

Name Description Data type Units
time Valid Time (mjd2000) float days since 2000-01-01 00:00:00
temperature temperature (from model) float Kelvin
p_tropop pressure of highest level in tropopause (from model) float Pa
p_h2otropo pressure of highest level for tropo and low strato H2O processing float Pa